Source code for bioblend.galaxy.quotas

Contains possible interactions with the Galaxy Quota

from typing import (

from bioblend.galaxy.client import Client

    from bioblend.galaxy import GalaxyInstance

QuotaOperations = Literal["+", "-", "="]
DefaultQuotaValues = Literal["no", "registered", "unregistered"]

[docs] class QuotaClient(Client): module = "quotas" def __init__(self, galaxy_instance: "GalaxyInstance") -> None: super().__init__(galaxy_instance)
[docs] def get_quotas(self, deleted: bool = False) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Get a list of quotas :type deleted: bool :param deleted: Only return quota(s) that have been deleted :rtype: list :return: A list of dicts with details on individual quotas. For example:: [{'id': '0604c8a56abe9a50', 'model_class': 'Quota', 'name': 'test ', 'url': '/api/quotas/0604c8a56abe9a50'}, {'id': '1ee267091d0190af', 'model_class': 'Quota', 'name': 'workshop', 'url': '/api/quotas/1ee267091d0190af'}] """ return self._get(deleted=deleted)
[docs] def show_quota(self, quota_id: str, deleted: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Display information on a quota :type quota_id: str :param quota_id: Encoded quota ID :type deleted: bool :param deleted: Search for quota in list of ones already marked as deleted :rtype: dict :return: A description of quota. For example:: {'bytes': 107374182400, 'default': [], 'description': 'just testing', 'display_amount': '100.0 GB', 'groups': [], 'id': '0604c8a56abe9a50', 'model_class': 'Quota', 'name': 'test ', 'operation': '=', 'users': []} """ return self._get(id=quota_id, deleted=deleted)
[docs] def create_quota( self, name: str, description: str, amount: str, operation: QuotaOperations, default: Optional[DefaultQuotaValues] = "no", in_users: Optional[List[str]] = None, in_groups: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Create a new quota :type name: str :param name: Name for the new quota. This must be unique within a Galaxy instance. :type description: str :param description: Quota description :type amount: str :param amount: Quota size (E.g. ``10000MB``, ``99 gb``, ``0.2T``, ``unlimited``) :type operation: str :param operation: One of (``+``, ``-``, ``=``) :type default: str :param default: Whether or not this is a default quota. Valid values are "no", "unregistered", "registered" and None. None is equivalent to "no". :type in_users: list of str :param in_users: A list of user IDs or user emails. :type in_groups: list of str :param in_groups: A list of group IDs or names. :rtype: dict :return: A description of quota. For example:: {'url': '/galaxy/api/quotas/386f14984287a0f7', 'model_class': 'Quota', 'message': "Quota 'Testing' has been created with 1 associated users and 0 associated groups.", 'id': '386f14984287a0f7', 'name': 'Testing'} """ payload: Dict[str, Any] = { "name": name, "description": description, "amount": amount, "operation": operation, "default": default, } if in_users: payload["in_users"] = in_users if in_groups: payload["in_groups"] = in_groups return self._post(payload)
[docs] def update_quota( self, quota_id: str, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, amount: Optional[str] = None, operation: Optional[QuotaOperations] = "=", default: Optional[DefaultQuotaValues] = None, in_users: Optional[List[str]] = None, in_groups: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> str: """ Update an existing quota :type quota_id: str :param quota_id: Encoded quota ID :type name: str :param name: Name for the new quota. This must be unique within a Galaxy instance. :type description: str :param description: Quota description. If you supply this parameter, but not the name, an error will be thrown. :type amount: str :param amount: Quota size (E.g. ``10000MB``, ``99 gb``, ``0.2T``, ``unlimited``) :type operation: str :param operation: One of (``+``, ``-``, ``=``). If you wish to change this value, you must also provide the ``amount``, otherwise it will not take effect. :type default: str :param default: Whether or not this is a default quota. Valid values are "no", "unregistered", "registered" and None. Calling this method with ``default="no"`` on a non-default quota will throw an error. Passing None is equivalent to not changing the current status. :type in_users: list of str :param in_users: A list of user IDs or user emails. :type in_groups: list of str :param in_groups: A list of group IDs or names. :rtype: str :return: A semicolon separated list of changes to the quota. For example:: "Quota 'Testing-A' has been renamed to 'Testing-B'; Quota 'Testing-e' is now '-100.0 GB'; Quota 'Testing-B' is now the default for unregistered users" """ payload: Dict[str, Any] = {"default": default} if name: payload["name"] = name if description: payload["description"] = description if amount: payload["amount"] = amount if operation: payload["operation"] = operation if in_users: payload["in_users"] = in_users if in_groups: payload["in_groups"] = in_groups return self._put(id=quota_id, payload=payload)
[docs] def delete_quota(self, quota_id: str) -> str: """ Delete a quota Before a quota can be deleted, the quota must not be a default quota. :type quota_id: str :param quota_id: Encoded quota ID. :rtype: str :return: A description of the changes, mentioning the deleted quota. For example:: "Deleted 1 quotas: Testing-B" """ return self._delete(id=quota_id)
[docs] def undelete_quota(self, quota_id: str) -> str: """ Undelete a quota :type quota_id: str :param quota_id: Encoded quota ID. :rtype: str :return: A description of the changes, mentioning the undeleted quota. For example:: "Undeleted 1 quotas: Testing-B" """ url = self._make_url(quota_id, deleted=True) + "/undelete" return self._post(url=url, payload={"id": quota_id})