Clients for interacting with specific Galaxy entity types.
Classes in this module should not be instantiated directly, but used
via their handles in :class:`~.galaxy_instance.GalaxyInstance`.
import abc
import json
from collections.abc import Sequence
from typing import (
import bioblend
from bioblend.galaxy.datasets import HdaLdda
from . import wrappers
from .galaxy_instance import GalaxyInstance
class ObjClient(abc.ABC):
def __init__(self, obj_gi: "GalaxyInstance") -> None:
self.obj_gi = obj_gi
self.gi = self.obj_gi.gi
self.log = bioblend.log
def get(self, id_: str) -> wrappers.Wrapper:
Retrieve the object corresponding to the given id.
def get_previews(self, **kwargs: Any) -> list:
Get a list of object previews.
Previews entity summaries provided by REST collection URIs, e.g.
``http://host:port/api/libraries``. Being the most lightweight objects
associated to the various entities, these are the ones that should be
used to retrieve their basic info.
:rtype: list
:return: a list of object previews
def list(self) -> list:
Get a list of objects.
This method first gets the entity summaries, then gets the complete
description for each entity with an additional GET call, so may be slow.
:rtype: list
:return: a list of objects
def _select_id(self, id_: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
Return the id that corresponds to the given id or name info.
if id_ is None and name is None:
raise ValueError("Neither id nor name provided")
if id_ is not None and name is not None:
raise ValueError("Both id and name provided")
if id_ is None:
id_list = [_.id for _ in self.get_previews(name=name)]
if len(id_list) > 1:
raise ValueError(f"Ambiguous name '{name}'")
if not id_list:
raise ValueError(f"Name '{name}' not found")
return id_list[0]
return id_
def _get_dict(self, meth_name: str, reply: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]]]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
if reply is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"{meth_name}: no reply")
elif isinstance(reply, dict):
return reply
return reply[0]
except (TypeError, IndexError):
raise RuntimeError(f"{meth_name}: unexpected reply: {reply!r}")
class ObjDatasetContainerClient(
ObjClient, Generic[wrappers.DatasetContainerSubtype, wrappers.DatasetContainerPreviewSubtype]
CONTAINER_TYPE: Type[wrappers.DatasetContainer]
CONTAINER_PREVIEW_TYPE: Type[wrappers.DatasetContainerPreview]
def __init__(self, obj_gi: "GalaxyInstance") -> None:
gi_client = getattr(self.gi, self.CONTAINER_TYPE.API_MODULE)
get_fname = f"get_{self.CONTAINER_TYPE.API_MODULE}"
self._get_f = getattr(gi_client, get_fname)
show_fname = f"show_{self.CONTAINER_TYPE.__name__.lower()}"
self._show_f = getattr(gi_client, show_fname)
def get_previews(
self, name: Optional[str] = None, deleted: bool = False, **kwargs: Any
) -> List[wrappers.DatasetContainerPreviewSubtype]:
dicts = self._get_f(name=name, deleted=deleted, **kwargs)
return [
cast(wrappers.DatasetContainerPreviewSubtype, self.CONTAINER_PREVIEW_TYPE(_, gi=self.obj_gi)) for _ in dicts
def get(self, id_: str) -> wrappers.DatasetContainerSubtype:
Retrieve the dataset container corresponding to the given id.
cdict = self._show_f(id_)
c_infos = self._show_f(id_, contents=True)
if not isinstance(c_infos, Sequence):
raise RuntimeError(f"{self._show_f.__name__}: unexpected reply: {c_infos!r}")
c_infos = [self.CONTAINER_TYPE.CONTENT_INFO_TYPE(_) for _ in c_infos]
return cast(wrappers.DatasetContainerSubtype, self.CONTAINER_TYPE(cdict, content_infos=c_infos, gi=self.obj_gi))
class ObjLibraryClient(ObjDatasetContainerClient[wrappers.Library, wrappers.LibraryPreview]):
Interacts with Galaxy libraries.
CONTAINER_TYPE = wrappers.Library
CONTAINER_PREVIEW_TYPE = wrappers.LibraryPreview
def create(self, name: str, description: Optional[str] = None, synopsis: Optional[str] = None) -> wrappers.Library:
Create a data library with the properties defined in the arguments.
:rtype: :class:`~.wrappers.Library`
:return: the library just created
res = self.gi.libraries.create_library(name, description, synopsis)
lib_info = self._get_dict("create_library", res)
return self.get(lib_info["id"])
def list(self, name: Optional[str] = None, deleted: bool = False) -> List[wrappers.Library]:
Get libraries owned by the user of this Galaxy instance.
:type name: str
:param name: return only libraries with this name
:type deleted: bool
:param deleted: if ``True``, return libraries that have been deleted
:rtype: list of :class:`~.wrappers.Library`
dicts = self.gi.libraries.get_libraries(name=name, deleted=deleted)
if not deleted:
# return Library objects only for not-deleted libraries since Galaxy
# does not filter them out and Galaxy release_14.08 and earlier
# crashes when trying to get a deleted library
return [self.get(_["id"]) for _ in dicts if not _["deleted"]]
return [self.get(_["id"]) for _ in dicts]
def delete(self, id_: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
Delete the library with the given id or name.
Fails if multiple libraries have the specified name.
.. warning::
Deleting a data library is irreversible - all of the data from
the library will be permanently deleted.
id_ = self._select_id(id_=id_, name=name)
res = self.gi.libraries.delete_library(id_)
if not isinstance(res, dict):
raise RuntimeError(f"delete_library: unexpected reply: {res!r}")
class ObjHistoryClient(ObjDatasetContainerClient[wrappers.History, wrappers.HistoryPreview]):
Interacts with Galaxy histories.
CONTAINER_TYPE = wrappers.History
CONTAINER_PREVIEW_TYPE = wrappers.HistoryPreview
def create(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> wrappers.History:
Create a new Galaxy history, optionally setting its name.
:rtype: :class:`~.wrappers.History`
:return: the history just created
res = self.gi.histories.create_history(name=name)
hist_info = self._get_dict("create_history", res)
return self.get(hist_info["id"])
def list(self, name: Optional[str] = None, deleted: bool = False) -> List[wrappers.History]:
Get histories owned by the user of this Galaxy instance.
:type name: str
:param name: return only histories with this name
:type deleted: bool
:param deleted: if ``True``, return histories that have been deleted
:rtype: list of :class:`~.wrappers.History`
dicts = self.gi.histories.get_histories(name=name, deleted=deleted)
return [self.get(_["id"]) for _ in dicts]
def delete(self, id_: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, purge: bool = False) -> None:
Delete the history with the given id or name.
Fails if multiple histories have the same name.
:type purge: bool
:param purge: if ``True``, also purge (permanently delete) the history
.. note::
The ``purge`` option works only if the Galaxy instance has the
``allow_user_dataset_purge`` option set to ``true`` in the
``config/galaxy.yml`` configuration file.
id_ = self._select_id(id_=id_, name=name)
res = self.gi.histories.delete_history(id_, purge=purge)
if not isinstance(res, dict):
raise RuntimeError(f"delete_history: unexpected reply: {res!r}")
class ObjWorkflowClient(ObjClient):
Interacts with Galaxy workflows.
def import_new(self, src: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]], publish: bool = False) -> wrappers.Workflow:
Imports a new workflow into Galaxy.
:type src: dict or str
:param src: deserialized (dictionary) or serialized (str) JSON
dump of the workflow (this is normally obtained by exporting
a workflow from Galaxy).
:type publish: bool
:param publish: if ``True`` the uploaded workflow will be published;
otherwise it will be visible only by the user which uploads it (default).
:rtype: :class:`~.wrappers.Workflow`
:return: the workflow just imported
if isinstance(src, dict):
wf_dict = src
wf_dict = json.loads(src)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise ValueError(f"src not supported: {src!r}")
wf_info = self.gi.workflows.import_workflow_dict(wf_dict, publish)
return self.get(wf_info["id"])
def import_shared(self, id_: str) -> wrappers.Workflow:
Imports a shared workflow to the user's space.
:type id_: str
:param id_: workflow id
:rtype: :class:`~.wrappers.Workflow`
:return: the workflow just imported
wf_info = self.gi.workflows.import_shared_workflow(id_)
return self.get(wf_info["id"])
def get(self, id_: str) -> wrappers.Workflow:
Retrieve the workflow corresponding to the given id.
:rtype: :class:`~.wrappers.Workflow`
:return: the workflow corresponding to ``id_``
res = self.gi.workflows.show_workflow(id_)
wf_dict = self._get_dict("show_workflow", res)
return wrappers.Workflow(wf_dict, gi=self.obj_gi)
# the 'deleted' option is not available for workflows
def get_previews(
self, name: Optional[str] = None, published: bool = False, **kwargs: Any
) -> List[wrappers.WorkflowPreview]:
dicts = self.gi.workflows.get_workflows(name=name, published=published, **kwargs)
return [wrappers.WorkflowPreview(_, gi=self.obj_gi) for _ in dicts]
# the 'deleted' option is not available for workflows
def list(self, name: Optional[str] = None, published: bool = False) -> List[wrappers.Workflow]:
Get workflows owned by the user of this Galaxy instance.
:type name: str
:param name: return only workflows with this name
:type published: bool
:param published: if ``True``, return also published workflows
:rtype: list of :class:`~.wrappers.Workflow`
dicts = self.gi.workflows.get_workflows(name=name, published=published)
return [self.get(_["id"]) for _ in dicts]
def delete(self, id_: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
Delete the workflow with the given id or name.
Fails if multiple workflows have the specified name.
.. warning::
Deleting a workflow is irreversible - all of the data from
the workflow will be permanently deleted.
id_ = self._select_id(id_=id_, name=name)
class ObjInvocationClient(ObjClient):
Interacts with Galaxy Invocations.
def get(self, id_: str) -> wrappers.Invocation:
Get an invocation by ID.
:rtype: Invocation
:return: invocation object
inv_dict = self.gi.invocations.show_invocation(id_)
return wrappers.Invocation(inv_dict, self.obj_gi)
def get_previews(self, **kwargs: Any) -> List[wrappers.InvocationPreview]:
Get previews of all invocations.
:rtype: list of InvocationPreview
:return: previews of invocations
inv_list = self.gi.invocations.get_invocations(**kwargs)
return [wrappers.InvocationPreview(inv_dict, gi=self.obj_gi) for inv_dict in inv_list]
def list(
workflow: Optional[wrappers.Workflow] = None,
history: Optional[wrappers.History] = None,
include_terminal: bool = True,
limit: Optional[int] = None,
offset: Optional[int] = None,
) -> List[wrappers.Invocation]:
Get full listing of workflow invocations, or select a subset
by specifying optional arguments for filtering (e.g. a workflow).
:type workflow: wrappers.Workflow
:param workflow: Include only invocations associated with
this workflow
:type history: wrappers.History
:param history: Include only invocations associated with
this history
:param include_terminal: bool
:param: Whether to include invocations in terminal state.
:type limit: int
:param limit: Maximum number of invocations to return.
:type offset: int
:param offset: Number of invocations to skip. Return invocations
starting from item offset+1.
:rtype: list of Invocation
:return: invocation objects
inv_dict_list = self.gi.invocations.get_invocations(
workflow_id=workflow.id if workflow else None,
history_id=history.id if history else None,
return [wrappers.Invocation(inv_dict, self.obj_gi) for inv_dict in inv_dict_list]
class ObjJobClient(ObjClient):
Interacts with Galaxy jobs.
def get(self, id_: str, full_details: bool = False) -> wrappers.Job:
Retrieve the job corresponding to the given id.
:type full_details: bool
:param full_details: if ``True``, return the complete list of details
for the given job.
:rtype: :class:`~.wrappers.Job`
:return: the job corresponding to ``id_``
res = self.gi.jobs.show_job(id_, full_details)
job_dict = self._get_dict("show_job", res)
return wrappers.Job(job_dict, gi=self.obj_gi)
def get_previews(self, **kwargs: Any) -> List[wrappers.JobPreview]:
dicts = self.gi.jobs.get_jobs(**kwargs)
return [wrappers.JobPreview(_, gi=self.obj_gi) for _ in dicts]
def list(self) -> List[wrappers.Job]:
Get the list of jobs of the current user.
:rtype: list of :class:`~.wrappers.Job`
dicts = self.gi.jobs.get_jobs()
return [self.get(_["id"]) for _ in dicts]
class ObjDatasetClient(ObjClient):
Interacts with Galaxy datasets.
def get(self, id_: str, hda_ldda: Literal["hda"] = "hda") -> wrappers.HistoryDatasetAssociation: ...
def get(self, id_: str, hda_ldda: Literal["ldda"]) -> wrappers.LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation: ...
def get(self, id_: str, hda_ldda: HdaLdda = "hda") -> wrappers.Dataset:
Retrieve the dataset corresponding to the given id.
:type hda_ldda: str
:param hda_ldda: Whether to show a history dataset ('hda' - the default)
or library dataset ('ldda')
:rtype: :class:`~.wrappers.HistoryDatasetAssociation` or :class:`~.wrappers.LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation`
:return: the history or library dataset corresponding to ``id_``
res = self.gi.datasets.show_dataset(id_, hda_ldda=hda_ldda)
ds_dict = self._get_dict("show_dataset", res)
if hda_ldda == "hda":
hist = self.obj_gi.histories.get(ds_dict["history_id"])
return wrappers.HistoryDatasetAssociation(ds_dict, hist, gi=self.obj_gi)
elif hda_ldda == "ldda":
lib = self.obj_gi.libraries.get(ds_dict["parent_library_id"])
return wrappers.LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation(ds_dict, lib, gi=self.obj_gi)
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported value for hda_ldda: {hda_ldda}")
def get_previews(self, **kwargs: Any) -> list:
raise NotImplementedError()
def list(self) -> list:
raise NotImplementedError()
class ObjDatasetCollectionClient(ObjClient):
Interacts with Galaxy dataset collections.
def get(self, id_: str) -> wrappers.HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation:
Retrieve the dataset collection corresponding to the given id.
:rtype: :class:`~.wrappers.HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation`
:return: the history dataset collection corresponding to ``id_``
res = self.gi.dataset_collections.show_dataset_collection(id_)
ds_dict = self._get_dict("show_dataset_collection", res)
hist = self.obj_gi.histories.get(ds_dict["history_id"])
return wrappers.HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation(ds_dict, hist, gi=self.obj_gi)
def get_previews(self, **kwargs: Any) -> list:
raise NotImplementedError()
def list(self) -> list:
raise NotImplementedError()