Source code for bioblend.galaxy.toolshed

Interaction with a Galaxy Tool Shed.

from typing import (

from bioblend.galaxy.client import Client

    from bioblend.galaxy import GalaxyInstance

[docs]class ToolShedClient(Client): module = "tool_shed_repositories" def __init__(self, galaxy_instance: "GalaxyInstance") -> None: super().__init__(galaxy_instance)
[docs] def get_repositories(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Get the list of all installed Tool Shed repositories on this Galaxy instance. :rtype: list :return: a list of dictionaries containing information about repositories present in the Tool Shed. For example:: [{'changeset_revision': '4afe13ac23b6', 'deleted': False, 'dist_to_shed': False, 'error_message': '', 'name': 'velvet_toolsuite', 'owner': 'edward-kirton', 'status': 'Installed'}] .. versionchanged:: 0.4.1 Changed method name from ``get_tools`` to ``get_repositories`` to better align with the Tool Shed concepts .. seealso:: """ return self._get()
[docs] def show_repository(self, toolShed_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get details of a given Tool Shed repository as it is installed on this Galaxy instance. :type toolShed_id: str :param toolShed_id: Encoded Tool Shed ID :rtype: dict :return: Information about the tool For example:: {'changeset_revision': 'b17455fb6222', 'ctx_rev': '8', 'owner': 'aaron', 'status': 'Installed', 'url': '/api/tool_shed_repositories/82de4a4c7135b20a'} .. versionchanged:: 0.4.1 Changed method name from ``show_tool`` to ``show_repository`` to better align with the Tool Shed concepts """ return self._get(id=toolShed_id)
[docs] def install_repository_revision( self, tool_shed_url: str, name: str, owner: str, changeset_revision: str, install_tool_dependencies: bool = False, install_repository_dependencies: bool = False, install_resolver_dependencies: bool = False, tool_panel_section_id: Optional[str] = None, new_tool_panel_section_label: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Install a specified repository revision from a specified Tool Shed into this Galaxy instance. This example demonstrates installation of a repository that contains valid tools, loading them into a section of the Galaxy tool panel or creating a new tool panel section. You can choose if tool dependencies or repository dependencies should be installed through the Tool Shed, (use ``install_tool_dependencies`` or ``install_repository_dependencies``) or through a resolver that supports installing dependencies (use ``install_resolver_dependencies``). Note that any combination of the three dependency resolving variables is valid. Installing the repository into an existing tool panel section requires the tool panel config file (e.g., tool_conf.xml, shed_tool_conf.xml, etc) to contain the given tool panel section: <section id="from_test_tool_shed" name="From Test Tool Shed" version=""> </section> :type tool_shed_url: str :param tool_shed_url: URL of the Tool Shed from which the repository should be installed from (e.g., ````) :type name: str :param name: The name of the repository that should be installed :type owner: str :param owner: The name of the repository owner :type changeset_revision: str :param changeset_revision: The revision of the repository to be installed :type install_tool_dependencies: bool :param install_tool_dependencies: Whether or not to automatically handle tool dependencies (see for more details) :type install_repository_dependencies: bool :param install_repository_dependencies: Whether or not to automatically handle repository dependencies (see for more details) :type install_resolver_dependencies: bool :param install_resolver_dependencies: Whether or not to automatically install resolver dependencies (e.g. conda). :type tool_panel_section_id: str :param tool_panel_section_id: The ID of the Galaxy tool panel section where the tool should be insterted under. Note that you should specify either this parameter or the ``new_tool_panel_section_label``. If both are specified, this one will take precedence. :type new_tool_panel_section_label: str :param new_tool_panel_section_label: The name of a Galaxy tool panel section that should be created and the repository installed into. """ payload: Dict[str, Any] = {} payload["tool_shed_url"] = tool_shed_url payload["name"] = name payload["owner"] = owner payload["changeset_revision"] = changeset_revision payload["install_tool_dependencies"] = install_tool_dependencies payload["install_repository_dependencies"] = install_repository_dependencies payload["install_resolver_dependencies"] = install_resolver_dependencies if tool_panel_section_id: payload["tool_panel_section_id"] = tool_panel_section_id elif new_tool_panel_section_label: payload["new_tool_panel_section_label"] = new_tool_panel_section_label url = self._make_url() + "/new/install_repository_revision" return self._post(url=url, payload=payload)
[docs] def uninstall_repository_revision( self, name: str, owner: str, changeset_revision: str, tool_shed_url: str, remove_from_disk: bool = True ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Uninstalls a specified repository revision from this Galaxy instance. :type name: str :param name: The name of the repository :type owner: str :param owner: The owner of the repository :type changeset_revision: str :param changeset_revision: The revision of the repository to uninstall :type tool_shed_url: str :param tool_shed_url: URL of the Tool Shed from which the repository was installed from (e.g., ````) :type remove_from_disk: bool :param remove_from_disk: whether to also remove the repository from disk (the default) or only deactivate it :rtype: dict :return: If successful, a dictionary with a message noting the removal """ payload: Dict[str, Any] = { "tool_shed_url": tool_shed_url, "name": name, "owner": owner, "changeset_revision": changeset_revision, "remove_from_disk": remove_from_disk, } return self._delete(params=payload)