Source code for bioblend.galaxy.config

Contains possible interaction dealing with Galaxy configuration.

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from bioblend.galaxy.client import Client

    from bioblend.galaxy import GalaxyInstance

[docs]class ConfigClient(Client): module = "configuration" def __init__(self, galaxy_instance: "GalaxyInstance") -> None: super().__init__(galaxy_instance)
[docs] def get_config(self) -> dict: """ Get a list of attributes about the Galaxy instance. More attributes will be present if the user is an admin. :rtype: list :return: A list of attributes. For example:: {'allow_library_path_paste': False, 'allow_user_creation': True, 'allow_user_dataset_purge': True, 'allow_user_deletion': False, 'enable_unique_workflow_defaults': False, 'ftp_upload_dir': '/SOMEWHERE/galaxy/ftp_dir', 'ftp_upload_site': '', 'library_import_dir': 'None', 'logo_url': None, 'support_url': '', 'terms_url': None, 'user_library_import_dir': None, 'wiki_url': ''} """ return self._get()
[docs] def get_version(self) -> dict: """ Get the current version of the Galaxy instance. :rtype: dict :return: Version of the Galaxy instance For example:: {'extra': {}, 'version_major': '17.01'} """ url = + "/version" return self._get(url=url)
[docs] def whoami(self) -> dict: """ Return information about the current authenticated user. :rtype: dict :return: Information about current authenticated user For example:: {'active': True, 'deleted': False, 'email': '', 'id': '4aaaaa85aacc9caa', 'last_password_change': '2021-07-29T05:34:54.632345', 'model_class': 'User', 'username': 'julia'} """ url = + "/whoami" return self._get(url=url)
[docs] def reload_toolbox(self) -> None: """ Reload the Galaxy toolbox (but not individual tools) :rtype: None :return: None """ url = f"{self._make_url()}/toolbox" return self._put(url=url)